Carbon Neutral & Climate Neutral - What's the Difference?

What's the Difference Between Carbon Neutral and Climate Neutral?

It is an undeniable fact that climate change is negatively affecting our planet. One of the most pressing issues is how carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere; as a result, temperatures rise, ecosystems are disrupted, and polar ice caps melt. All companies produce carbon emissions through things like product deliveries, commuting, and airline travel. Merchology, and our apparel brand Zusa, have committed to become carbon neutral and have received a certificate from a third party company called Climate Neutral. But what does it mean to be carbon neutral and what’s the difference between carbon neutral and Climate Neutral? Let us explain. 

What is Climate Neutral?

Climate Neutral is a nonprofit company working to eliminate carbon emissions. They provide customers with an easy and dependable way to identify companies that are certified Climate Neutral as well as brands committed to becoming carbon neutral. Climate Neutral also provides companies with the tools required to reduce their carbon emissions and combat climate change. Their website is easy to use; simply browse through their Brand Search option to see which of your favorite companies has partnered with Climate Neutral to help make the world a better place. Some brands in the database are Climate Neutral certified while some are labeled as “Committed Brands”. Climate Neutral is at the forefront of promoting corporate sustainability and wants to see every company become carbon neutral

Custom Zusa Carbon Neutral Apparel

What is Carbon Neutral?

There’s a lot of science behind climate change, carbon emissions, and carbon neutrality. Carbon emissions are an unavoidable part of running a company, but brands like Zusa take steps to offset any carbon emissions they produce. Climate Neutral works with brands to become carbon neutral through measuring their carbon emissions, developing and implementing plans to reduce future emissions, and if need be purchasing carbon credits to offset their carbon footprint, usually through funding reforestation or clean energy projects. Merchology is proud to work with Climate Neutral to give consumers a carbon-neutral brand with Zusa. For more information on how to be carbon neutral, and to check out Zusa’s Climate Neutral profile, click here!

We only have one planet, and it’s everyone’s job to take care of it! To find your sustainable corporate gifts, contact Merchology today! Our experts can help you find high quality, custom branded products, while staying committed to sustainability.